short notes:
will brady's ruminations


night at the plant

bereft of self-sustaining energy as far as we can discern,
the old power plant casts an eerie patina onto the fog shrouded night sky

who can guess at this place's strange powers?

shad no longer spawn in the numbers they came here to spawn in

once home of free black men, and a gathering point for the real peoples before them,
now charged with cosmic detritus a half-life of which shall likely last
well beyond the span of known civilization

militiamen peer through telescopes,
wear night goggles to to counterbalance the glare above them,
hoping to sight intruders ~ all the while present
yet ~ invisible

the terror is real, even if unseen
the families of hiroshima and enola gay survivors know first hand
these insurgents ~ they don't hide in mountains or shuttle between major airports
yet they are legion and cut through the night ~ ionic travellers
whisking themselves back and forth, to and fro, waiting, waiting

anemia comes first, then strange growths, addled thinking features more pronounced,
finally ~ lost bearings in familiar territory
there is no escape from this; no miraculous travel flight route
In the long run ~ we all end up buried in the woods
no headstone, no memorial save the grim knowledge
of our collective mortality

[Is that a real word?] No matter. I'm using it. This weekened past, while off to pick up matteresses, Bruce and I stopped in several antique shops.
     First, in Sturbridge, Mass I went for illustrated books...
     Howard Pyle's Book of Pirates
     There were other goodies that caught my attention...
     ...though I did not buy [It galls me to see planes on their face, it really does]
     On to Milford, New Hampsha
["Honest Bill" an oil painting by Gerrit Beneker, going for a mere $14,000 USD; the fire helmets ~ $1,300 for the pair; the whalers with tramp art fram only $3,300] Didn't buy anything there but for a copy of Mary Grossman's Birds of Prey of the World [a steal at $10]
     The last stop was at Putnam, C T.
     Greeted by a Frederick Remington sculpture; some of the seediest looking places had good stuff, but there was so much to look at I began to suffer from information overload
     There was one purchase I made in Putnam, however, that was more than worth the stop. That was a $3 copy of an April 1925 edition of The Mentor, with yet another of Gerrit Beneker's works. It had on the cover a pale duotone entitled "Men are Square" and last night, when I got home...
...I found what the actual painting looked like doing a google search. Seems this was used as a cover to a health-consciousness pamphlet in the 1920s. The magazine also cost quite a bit less than "Honest Bill", which I'd seen in Milford only the day before.
rondak main pagePerspectives on: human rights; environmental concerns; life as a visual artist; 21st century feudalism; progressive politics; aboriginal culture; new urbanism; permaculture; sustainable technology; non-traditional families; achievable utopias

yer host   online

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since 12 june 1999

and still hand-coding
short notes: will bradys ruminations at Blogged
blogs I check in on
thought provoking reads - many I agree with, but not all.

[my top of the list]
 • Charles Henry Eldridge Adirondack Native
 • Al Fin
 • Defective Yeti
 • Joe Bageant's Deer Hunting with Jesus
 • Educate Yourself
 • Larry Barr / Rebel Wolf Online
 • Billy Miller's A Poor Wayfaring Stranger
 • Mike Power
 • Nightmare Hall
 • Nurse Ratchet's Place
 • Pam's House Blend
 • P Michaud
 • Pax Nortona
 • Path to Freedom
 • Clarke Lane
 • Ron's Log
 • Wood's Lot
 • Y Hate

[individual writers]

more personal
 • Al in the Country  • Curmudgeon Report  • Eramosa River Journal  • Frog Ponder  • H Kent Craig  • Dale Hobson  • Kestrel's Nest [now Twittering]  • Mickey Z  • Neurotwitch  • Other Stream  • Sarcastic Bastard  • Andrew Phelps  • Brenda's What's UP down South?

[personal/topical/news mix]
 • Angry Biscuit  • Kathryn Cramer  • Defective Yeti  • Something Completely Different  • UltraSparky

more topical/news oriented
 • Atypical Joe  • Charlie's Diary  • CT Blue  • Esoterically  • Feral Scholar  • Fouroboros  • Juan Cole's Informed Comment  • J-Walk Blog  • Happy Scrappy  • Obsidian Wings  • Pandagon  • Panopticist  • Space Coast Web  • Sphere  • Officialsay [stop sleeping]

more news than blog
 • Angry White Kid  • Corrente  • Plus... same gang, different material Corrente Wire  • Crooked Timber  • Current Era Blog  • Exiled Online  • Fire Dog Lake  • [in memory of Steve Gilliard] Group News Blog  • Digby's  • James Kunstler's ~ Clusterfuck Nation  • Le Speakeasy  • Mikhaela's News Blog  • No Quarter  • Stupid Enough Unexplanation  • This Modern World  • robot wisdom

 • Truck and Barter

science oriented
 • Tim Lambert's ~ Deltoid  • Greg Layden's Blog  • Mixing Memory  • PLoS ONE  • Space Coast Web  • Stuart Savory  • Verbumlogos

health + nutrition
 • Hakeem Alexander ~ Look again / Research  • Monika Woolsey ~ Nutritionist's Perspective  • John Crippen's ~ NHS Blog Doc | Great Britain  • Become Natural

writers + artists
 • Kathryn Cramer  • Eric Drooker  • Michael Nobbs  • Pound  • queer bohemian  • Spunk Library  • John Scalzi's ~ Whatever  • Wood's Lot  • UltraSparky

 • Boing! Boing!  • Wilson's Almanac  • ZudFunk's Blogroll

not active - still online
 • Celebrity Cola  • F-Train  • Buzz Stuff  • John Strain  • Just an Inkling  • Love and Rage  • No Milk Today  • Querylily  • Rayz' Journal + Rants  • Unquiet Mind

gone - regrettably
 • Andrew Olmstead  • amnesia insurance  • Philipp Lenssen's Feeeds  • Moon of Alabama  • That Colored Fella  • V-2-dot-org


[news sources]
 • Aljazeera  • AlterNet  • Capitol Hill Blue  • Crooks & Liars  • Free Speech TV  • Focal Point  • The Gadflyer  • Google News  • CBC - Iceland Daily News  • Indymedia UK  • My Way  • New Left Media  • Now Public  • Official Wire  • Online Journal  • Plime  • Politico  • The Morning News  • Public Radio International  • The Raw Story  • Rense  • Indybay, San Francisco CA  • New Hampshire Gazette  • Sploid  • I am TRex  • World News Network

[publications / periodicals]
 • The Atlantic  • Countercurrents  • Counterpunch  • Fairness + Accuracy in Reporting  • The Economist  • The Guardian  • Human Nature Review  • Miller-McCune  • The Nation  • National Geographic  • The New Yorker  • Ode  • Seattle Post Intelligencer  • Truthout  • Pravda  • Public Eye  • Q News  • Village Voice  • The Wall Street Journal  • The Wilson Quarterly  • YES! Magazine  • Z Magazine

[internet radio / audio media]
 • Wilson Almanac's Radio Bandwidths
 • ABC - Australian Broadcast News  • BBC - British Broadcast News  • CBC - Canadian Broadcast News  • WAMC - Albany NY  • WPKN - Bridgeport CT

[media watch]
 • columbia journalism review  • Conservative Web Watch  • Dart Center - reporting on trauma & violence  • cjr's "Who Owns What"?  • Media Monitors Network  • Video Vote Vigil

[essays / critical thought sites]
 • AAAARG.ORG  • Edge  •   • Wood's Lot

 • Counterterrorism Blog  • Cryptome  • Jerry Pippin

[information geeks]
 • The Agonist  • Grey Literature Report  • Resource Shelf

[commentary - left]
 • Scott Bidstrup  • Jim Hightower  • Noam Chomskey  • Orcinus  • Mike Palacek  •  • Regressive Antidote  • Think Progress  • TPM Cafe
[commentary - in between]
 •  • Citizens for Legitimate Government  • Denis Horgan  • In The Fray  • Lawrence Lessig
[commentary - right]
 • American Prospect  • Kathleen Parker  • Andrew Sullivan  • Town Hall

 • Abolition of Work
 • Class War
 • The Cluetrain Manifesto
 • Wark's A Hacker Manifesto
 • Earth Charter
 • A Call to Economic Justice
 • Orcinus' Media Revolt
 • Net Neutrality
 • Shrinking the Freedom of Thought
 • The Social Phenomenon of Blogs

[news as humor]
 • Cecil Adams' Straight Dope  • Mark Fiore's Fiore Blog  • Mikhaela Reid's Boiling Point ~ a News Blog  • Damn Interesting  • Tom Tomorrow's This Modern World  • Garry Trudeau's Doonsbury

[man bites dog / humor]
 • BuzzFlash  • College Humor  • The Onion  • The Daily Howler  • Morons  • Yankee Pot Roast

 • Gawker

 • Council on Spiritual Practices  • Druid Journal  • The Equinox Project

[separation of faith + state]
 • Americans United for church-state separation

[psychiatric hospitals - history]
 • POTN's Abandoned Hospitals

[first person account keepers]
 • Marian Goldstein's Different Thoughts  • Jim Gottstein  • Gianna Kali's Beyond Meds  • Kangaroo Court | Archives pre 1/1/05  • Mind Freedom's 1st Person Accounts  • Psychiatrized  • Psych Survivor Archives [CA]  • Songs of the Survivor

[psychiatric clients' rights]
 • Bazelon Center  • Center for Public Representation  • Dendron/MindFreedom
 • Law Project for Psych Rights  • U.S. Network of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry

[info on psychotropics]
 • Ecologia Cognitiva | Portugese
 • Monika Woolsey ~ Nutritionist's Perspective

 • Freedom Center | Northampton, MA  • National Empowerment Center  • Copeland Center for Wellness + Recovery  • Natn'l MH Self Help Clearinghouse

[mental health info sites]
 • Mental Health Matters  • Psychiatric Drugs  • Ctr for Mental Health Services [USA]

[alternate views on treatment]
 • Peter Breggin  • John Grohol  • Hakeem Alexander's Hypno Athletics  • Hooper's Forensic Psychiatry

[health care reviewers]
 • Health Care Renewal

 • Connecticut Weblogs
[NYC metro]
 • Gothamist  • Bitter Queen's A History of Gay Bars in New York  • Jeremiah's Vanishing New York
[Southeast USA]
 • Southern Studies

 • Atypical Joe  • Pam Spaulding  • Andrew Sullivan  • Towlerroad  • Independent Gay Forum  • Michelangelo Signorile
media reviews
 • LBGT Books, Films & Videos
personal blogs
 • Brave Creatures  • Butch Jax  • Eramosa River Journal
erotic/adult content
 • Buff Tufftalk  • Drub

 • Urban-ism  • we-make-money-not-art  • New Urbanism


 • Dave Gray's Communication Nation  • Design Observer  • Jason King Design  • Mandarin Design  • Panopticist  • Speedbird

[html coding tools]
 • CSS Zen Garden  • Page Tutor's HTML Basics  • HTML special character codes  • Hex Hub's Color Codes
 • Page Tutor's 1536 Colors Chart

[typography tools]
 • DaFont's Free Downloadable Typefaces  • Linotype's Font Explorer X  • Typo Generator

[photography tools]
 • Photoshop Tips & Tricks

 • foto 8  • JPG Magazine  • U & lc

[geek links]
 • Lee Fleming's Resources  • Software Tips & Tricks


[art magazines + blogs]
 • Arts Journal  • Art News  • Art Knowledge News  • Issac Buie's The Simple Connoisseur  • Wood's Lot
[art supplies]
 • Dick Blick  • Jerry's Artarama  • Trekell & Co.  • Utrecht Art Supplies

[group sites]
 • Artween  • Concept Art  • Rational Painting

 • J. Long's Die Mythographer!  • Judy Wise  • Toyen [Marie Cerminova]

[installation artists]
 • Hirokazu Fukawa  • Remy Jungerman

[interactive media]
 • Sébastien Chevrel

[painters / print makers / illustrators]
 • Eric Drooker | Painting / Illustration / Graphic Novels  • James Gurney | Landscape / Illustration  • Peter Hocking | Portraiture  • Gerard Huber | NeoClassical  • Rockwell Kent | Illustration / Painting / Social Comment  • Diego Rivera | Murals / Social Comment  • Jim Riccio | Painting / Illustration  • Street Anatomy | Medicine / Art / Design

 • Joey Lawrence  • Drasko Bogdanovic  • Chromisa  • Ian Grey  • Chad Kleitsch  • Ed Roppo's Rusty Jam

 • Louise Bourgeois  • Alexander Calder  • Marisol Escobar  • Henry Moore  • Robert Rauschenberg  • George Segal  • Augustus Saint-Gaudens  • Gustav Vigeland

[street art]
 • Banksy  • Roadsworth  • Wooster Collective

[art centres]
 • I-Park

[arts marketers]

[intellectual property rights]
 • Creative Commons

[sustainability blogs]
 • Rebel Wolf's Energy Self- Sufficiency Newsletter
 • Watthead

 • World War 4 Report
 • Reason Public Policy Institute
 • State + Locals Govs

[legal resources]
 • EFF's Legal Guide for Bloggers
 • FindLaw
 • Law.Com
 • Law Guru's Knowledge Base
 • JURIST: Legal Dictionary
 • Scruffy's State Statutes
 • Univ of Houston's O'Quinn Law Library
 • A Public Defender

[law & philosphy]
 • distributive justice
 • DeNovo - Not active since early 2008
 • Legal Theory
 • Volokh Conspiracy

[intellectual property issues]
 • Creative Commons

[liberty interests]
 • The Agonist
 • American Civil Liberties Union
 • Canadian Civil Liberties Assn
 • Center for Democracy + Technology
 • Electronic Frontier Foundation
 • ALA's "Patriot" Act Updates

[rights concerns]
 • The Bill of Rights Institute
 • Center for Constitutional Rights
 • Human Rights Watch
 • People for the American Way
 • Prison Legal News
 • Southern Poverty Law Center
 • Stanford Center for Internet and Society

[rights of disabled persons]
 • Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law
 • Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund
 • Mouth Magazine
 • Center for Public Representation
 • Institute of Law, Psychiatry and Public Policy


 • U.S. Hunting | Fish & Wildlife Service
 • U.S. Hunting | Fish & Wildlife Service
 • IAFAW Fishing + Hunting Permit Fees
 • U.S. National Wetlands Inventory | Fish & Wildlife Service
 • U.S. Bureau of Land Management | Department of Interior
 • U.S. National Park Service | Department of Interior

 • Archery World
 • Bowsite
 • Bowmasters
 • Bowyers & Fletchers Guild [UK]
 • Hunting Society's Archery Links
 • Principles of Archery
 • Primitive Archer

 • Firearms: Technical + Training Manuals

 • The Backpacker
 • Adirondack Hiking Trails
 • Go take a hike!


 • A to Z Fitness  • Amateur Wrestling News  • Better Body  • FitLike [UK]  • Testosterone Nation

 • He Said : She Said

 • Future Scanner

 • Travel Blogs [dot] org  • Hobo Traveler  • Lonely Planet  • Proper Course  • Sailing Anarchy  • VagaBlogging  • Where's Bender?

[urban spelunking]
 • Wikipedia describesp;Wi Urban Spelunking
 • Kelm + Rodenbaugh's Abandoned Missile Base
 • JAN JÖRNMARK Deserted Places
 • JAN JÖRNMARK Deserted Places

[other distractions]
 • Weirdsmobile


   Dictionaries, Grammars,
   and other online language resources

[English Language]
 • Acronym Finder
 • Blogossary
 • One Look's Dictionary Search
 • Etymological Dictionary
 • JURIST: Legal Dictionary
 • Slang City Dictionary
 • Word Spy "The word lover's guide to new words
 • Thesaurus
[Other Languages]
 • Jennifer's Language Page

 • Indeterminacy
 • Poem Hunter

[encyclopedae, etc]
 • About
 • CIA World Factbook
 • RefDesk
 • Project Gutenberg
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 • Nation Master [stats]
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[atlases, maps]
 • Digital Topo Maps
 • U S Census Bureau Maps
 • USGS Land and Map

 • Bill O'Rights
 • Magna Carta
 • Unversal Declaration of Human Rights

[Postal Codes]
 • Canadian Postal Codes
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 • USA Zip Codes
 • Universal Postal Union

 • Foote's Forecasts
 • NOAA National Weather Service | USA
 • Weather Channel
 • The Weather Underground

[Weights and Measures]
 • Measurement Conversion Charts
 • RefDesk's Weights and Measures Resources

 • Bablefish Translation Service
 • IM's Online Translation Portal

NOTE: Every effort is made to credit the source of images displayed on
this site | Images with no attribution are either my own (and covered under a
Creative Commons non-commercial agreement
or I have been unable to determine the source of the image |
As such, it is duly noted anyway |

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