short notes:
will brady's ruminations
environment | wildlife | rescue
Connie Michaud sent me some pictures of the rescue of a moose. This took place on 30th January in the St John River in the
North Maine Woods region. It appears as the Maine
Game Wardens were there but it could have been someone from a member of the
Maine Animal Coalition or someone from New Hampshire based
Critter Exchange. Connie didn't have more details than this. She's going to find out more aboutthe rescue when she can. I'll give an update as more comes in.
THANKS TO: Connie Michaud |
wedding shoes

While picking up my re-soled boots from
Igor's Shoe Center, it was hard to ignore the display of wedding shoe rentals available for the public. Didn't see any in my size; guess it's just as well I'm married now, eh?
planning for the future
DRAFTIn some respects, it doesn't matter all that much, what the crooks at the top of the heap are doing to destroy the quality of life for the rest of us.
History has shown, over and over, that the tyrants eventually get what they have wrought. They get their chance to have their names placed in the recordings of human folly. They get identified for what they have done and are so recognized accordingly.
If we had "key words" to the lives of tyrants past they would include: infamy, rebuke, exile, social revulsion, ostracism, execution.
This knowledge certainly doesn't make for comfort in the short run, like right now, but they provide some solace when planning for the future; for the future past tyrants envisioned oft-times is far and apart from what evolves.
Having said this, the next step is to get from worrying about the obvious, and to plan for what to do and how to pick up the pieces after the current band of tyrants collapse...and they shall. Don't ask me how [
for I am no prophet] just be prepared for the aftermath.
There are some overarching aras that must be dealt with and addressed. These may include, but are not limited to:
Restore the social infrastructure
Develop a distribution network of goods and services that benefits everyone
Eradicate prejudice
Re-establish social equity and justice
Develop and maintain sustainable resource ethics
Promote fair trade values
Re-establish communications avenues
Enforce values that espose economic equity
another spectatular sunset

two views
in the news
Indicted [but still in office] slimeball Tom Delay gets seat on Appropriations. The newshawks at the Post and FOX News apparently missed this. "
... Ironically, DeLay fills a committee vacancy left by Randy "Duke" Cunningham of California, who resigned from Congress
after pleading guilty to accepting $2.4 million in bribes for government business and other favors...." As if this were not enough, the diligent guardians of power have also appointed Delay to a seat on the committee that oversees the Department of Justice, which was recently charged with investigating that bribe-maker [and personal friend of the bugman] Jack Abramoff. There has got to be a special place in hell for these guys.
Dubya's Dubai debacle as seen by Larry Johnson.
If Dubai Ports World (DPW) does as nifty a job of running our ports as it has done running the freeport in Dubai then we are screwed. This is not about the fact that police and security officials from the United Arab Emirates have been helping us track down Al Qaeda operatives and other ornery jihadists. The issue here is the fact that the port in Dubai is one of the major ports in the world involved with smuggling of counterfeit and contraband product. A few years ago, for example, I was alerted to a shipment of several containers of cigarettes from Panama's port of Colon to Dubai. The addressee on the invoice? Al Rabea Spare Car Parts. Now, last time I checked, cigarettes are not and never have been an automobile spare car part.
Other items, including consumer electronics, liquor, HP print cartridges, make their way to Dubai and are then smuggled into tough areas like Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. And what is Dubai Ports World doing to crackdown on this activity? Nothing.
The inability or refusal to deal with the use of ports under the control of Dubai Ports World that are involved with smuggling is reason enough to stop this deal dead in its tracks. The owners of DPW are not the ones cooperating closely with the United States in tracking down the terrorists who attacked us. Instead, they have close ties to a host of shipping companies, including those owned by the Bin Laden family.
The challenge of smuggling a dirty nuke is comparable to smuggling containers of cigarettes, liquor, and shoes. If DPW will not stop the latter how can we be confident they will prevent the former? That's a security bet we should not take or make."
Johnson, incidentally, is no namby pamby milksop liberal but has worked for the CIA as well as in counter-terrorism efforts.
So when are the
Treason trials to begin anuway?
discussion groups
From the Yahoo discussion group Renewable Energy comes a post about another website called The Watt Featured on this site is a discussion between a listener and a contract who builds super-insulated
energey efficient houses.
From Ian Gray mention of D P Review which provides a digital camera users a variety of forums for specific camera users. Within each forum, however, are subgroups. Since Ian has been doing a bit of sports action photography of late [
it makes more quick money than close up photos of hummingbirds or homeless people might] the
weekly sports thread has caught his attention.
health update
This could be too much information but... here's the best site I found on paresophageal hernias and how to operate on them.
The symptoms for both hiatal and paresophegeal hernias include the possibilities of anemia and acid reflux. Treaters are careful to note that hiatal hernias are
not diseases but alterations of one's physical innards. For me this raises a big question about the accuracy in that plethora of adverts hawking to "sufferers of "acid reflux disease."
There is discussion in other work about the
prevalance of obesity in those who have developed hiatal hernias.
Of course a more socially responsible approach to so-called "reflux disease" would be for Big Pharma and the medical establishment to educate the public about proper diet, nutrition, exercise and taking care of oneself, but I suppose that would be expecting too much.
Hell. It's a free country. Who says you're gonna tell me how muchI can or cannot eat?
I don't want to be in this condition again. I'll be paying closer attention.
bushco beliefs
Uggamugga on the Bush Administration's efforts to toss us back to the 19th Century.
bushco follies
Secret Service says Dick Cheney was drunk!
And the Seattle, WA based Bob Rivers Show has uploaded a 'toon video clip
Cheyney's Got A Gun based pretty clearly on Aerosmith's
Janie's Got a Gun. All silliness in my estimation. For those who shout with shock and outrage about this recent fracas my question is, why are you surprised? When the metaphorical Sheriff of Nottingham's cabal took over the power seats, and proudly exclaimed themselves exempt from International law [not to mention the laws of the United States] there ought be no surprise here at all.
Mind you, beyond the use of the music, the story lines between the two videos differ vastly. In the Aerosmith tale, Janie murders her pedophile pervert rapist father. In the real life Texas fracas, one of the gang of mauraders shoots his buddy's face for sport. Big diff.
artists | life form
Sud 273 paints and photographs wrestlers. I came across his work while randomly meandering through
Flikr sites. I find the work stunning.

That he lived in a building once occupied by impressionist painter
Edouard Vuillard and has paid due homage to a residence once "haunted" by
Jean Cocteau [
the building could likely be haunted still] I find even more striking; makes me even more intrigued about this elusive artist/photographer's oeuvre. If anyone reading knows more about him, please drop me a line.
Here are some other samples of his work:

winter olympics 2006
Here are some images from Torino that I snapped off the tube.
blips + updates
Bush's plan to save energy? Bigger tax breaks on Hummers. Thank God for quick thinking
Bigots think Homos should have some rights after all. Don't ya love the cuture wars?
If it happened in Connecticut Cheney could have been arrested. Cheney might have faced a Class D misdemeanor charge for "negligent hunting" after wounding his companion Feb. 11, in addition to a minor charge for hunting without the required bird-shooting tag.
Soon coming to a theatre near you, Michale J Fox and Christopher Lloyd in Brokeback to the Future.
Lots of free time on your hands? One billion mazes ought to keep you occupied.