immigration | borders
For what it's worth, this is where I stand on immigration ~ legal, illegal or otherwise. I believe that borders create false barriers of privilege. That they allow for some [such as comfortable, well-fed, over pampered spoit brats with privilege and a grossly distorted sense of entitlement] to believe they are actually better than others and somehow blessed to be given more of the jackpot than most

other people. You know, the Newt Gingriches, the Paul Wolfowitzes, Rush Limbaughs, Ken Lays, Bushies and all the screaming syncophants that have made Rupert Murdoch's family billionaires as they falsify the truth and call it news.
I believe that as long as there exist some illusory Londons whose streets are paved with gold, then others, less well heeled, shall make an effort to get to improve thier own odds at getting richer. Why shouldn't they?
Let's face it, if we go back far enough, geneologically speaking, we're all immigrants, even [well, maybe
especially] yahoos like the free agent vigilantes who call themselves the Minutemen. Not content to suffer from historic amnesia about white boy privateers stealing land and natural resources from Native Peoples in the western hemisphere [
they probably didn't read the same history books that George W Bush didn't read] they get on the case of ridding America's shores of ferrign speakin immigrants... [and to hell with how much the iceberg lettuce costs next year] when they need to learn that all of us, as humans, are in this planetary mess together.
A sad fact that, until the majority recognize that borders only cause problems for everyone, exepct the rich and hyper-rich, then those borders shall, stupidly, remain.
Do I think dropping the borders can be done across the planet painlessly? Hell, no! But we gotta start somewhere. And, much as I am loathe to admit it, the big boys of globalization have helped the tearing down the border process. If we are all lucky, our new planetary borderless society will be the downfall of the Walmart and ExxonMobil people. Corporations, after all, being merely individuals like the rest of us.
Labels: anti-hate, immigration, race-bating, racism
iraq quagmire | high crimes | protest
A friend sent a link to a Flickr group, with postings of photos from the
NYC Peace March April 29, 2006.

Held just yesterday, I wasn't there since I was hauling furniture from Florida to about half a mile from here [
where I write you just now] during the weekend and setting it up in someone's home only today.
The march was planned and co-ordinated by a coalition of willing peacemongers going under the umbrella name of
United for Peace.
The USA Media [
those who bothered to provide coverage], included the erstwhile
Washington Post who affirmed that "tens of thousands" attended. It was left for the international press, such as
Monsters and Critics to actually provide something other than stock wire coverage of the event.
Dubya declined comment on the march, but at a dinner held in his honor by the
White House Correspondents [can you imagine?] Bush spoke instead about the faux staff change shuffle at the White House, indicating that he "...
survived the shake up" himself.
Meanwhile, the
Hartford Courant, in it's Sunday magazine,
questioned whether or not Dubya could still lad the nation given his increasingly abysmal job performance ratings. The article made mention of a contingent of voters who
support impeachment or at the very least censure for his and his administration's actions. Me. I say dispense with the niceties and try the whole lot of them for
TREASON and get it over with. Would this be devisive? Doubtless. But bring it on!
Labels: imipeachment, iraq, protest, social comment, treason