artwork on display
This month I've got two exhibits on display in North Adams, Massachusetts until Christmas; the home town of the renowned
Massachusetts Museum of Contemporary Art [Mass MoCA].

In the first show, examples of my collage and painting work is on exhibit. This is in the
Berkshire Artists' Colony Eagle Street Gallery.
Located in the Flatiron building [
that's a picture of it on the right], my work is in a group show that includes artists working in other media including painting, photography, jewelry, lamp glass, fabric and prints. You can see someone about to enter the gallery in the photo.
The Eagle Street Gallery's current exhibit is open weekends until December 20, 2009. See engravings by Carol Stieger Young, photos by Michael Powers and
Ian Grey; Jewelry by Michael Dunn and Isabella Raven [
she also does lampwork glass beads].
Bethann Shannon has paintings of various size; Beth Davis works with fabrics,... and Will Brady has put up collage and paintings. Much of it is quite affordable and would make great Christmas gifts.
The second display of my photography work is at the
Eclipse Mills Gallery on Union Street.

The picture on the left shows The Eclipse Mills Studio building as you come into North Adams along the Mohawk Trail [Massachusetts Route 2] after successfully maneuvering the hairpin curve down the mountainside.
The Eclipse Mills Small Works/ Holiday Show, runs November 20 through December 20. This final exhibition of the 2009 season will focus on small works and affordable art and crafts. There will be works by Eclipse artists and invited guests. My photos are with those of other photographers, fabric artists, jewelers, potters and artists working in fresco, encaustic, even photocopier art.
This Google Earth map shows how to get from Eagle Street Gallery, to Mass MoCA to Eclipse Mills Gallery.
View Larger Map Labels: art shows. art and artists, collage, exhibits, north adams, painting, will brady
happy thanksgiving
Blame Society Productions brings a unique Thanksgiving Day message with the help of "Sean Connery", "Jon Madden", "Christopher Walken" and others.
Labels: animation, thanksgiving, you tube
health care debate
Frank Woods is a man who has to save up money to obtain a prescription. He was at a free clinic held recently in Arkansas for folks without health care insurance. He said that it is "...small minded to argue about a basic right..."
Labels: fairness, health care, injustice, poverty, public option, social equity