short notes:
will brady's ruminations
Utilikilt Commercials | A contest, actually | None of these are being shown on the air | Some of them probably would run afoul of Mr. Powell's FCC preoccupations about good taste | But they are entertaining | Besides, they promote a throughly comfortable manner of apparel for me, the kilt |
It's too late to sign up to cast a vote, but you can still go to the site to see the competition ...and maybe order yourself [or your main squeeze] a kilt for summer wear |
Utilikilts ~ establishing a new tradition |

Titan | The
European Space Agency website now has first photos up, as well as a map composite sequence from above | The two you have here include one as the Huygens probe was approaching Titan; the other is the by now famous first landed shot |
Here's some other space sites:
ESA News,
The Mars Society,
Planetary Society,
Royal Observatory / National Maritime Museum
Earth Charter | "
The Earth Charter is a declaration of
fundamental principles for building a just, sustainable, and peaceful global society in the 21st century. It seeks to inspire in all peoples a new sense of global interdependence and shared responsibility for the well-being of the human family and the larger living world. It is an expression of hope and a call to help create a global partnership at a critical juncture in history" |
SUMMARY OF PRINCIPLES in a pdf file format
Shelter | Author Eric Hunting, in order to deal more effctively with
Multiple Chemical Sensitivity [MPS] began "
...documenting a personal quest for non-toxic housing" | And read what Mr. Hunting
Apocalypse Culture | James Watt, Ronald Reagan's Secretary of Interior was once quoted as saying "
We don't have to protect the environment, The Second Coming is at hand." | For better or worse he's not the only person who thinks this way | Some are planning for a future only the most intrepid would care to imagine |
Find out more |
AND READ ABOUT Converting a missile silo into a home
Affirmative Action Talks at T-Nation | Power-lifting and body-building sites aren't just about brawn | Kevin Kovach started a lively thread only today with the following comment:
"...I guess from my perspective there are many things wrong with affermative action, but most of the detractors that I personally know are closet or full fledged racists." ... then invited responses | He got them |
READ The Whole Discussion Thread
Kevin Sites' Weblog | The cameraman who ~ last November ~ shot the video of the U.S.

Marine shooting an unarmed Iraqi in a mosque has written a blog entry on the controversy. Worth a read. The most important part is right at the end.
So here, ultimately, is how it all plays out: when the Iraqi man in the mosque posed a threat, he was your enemy; when he was subdued he was your responsibility; when he was killed in front of my eyes and my camera -- the story of his death became my responsibility." |
READ KEVIN'S PERSPECTIVE on that controversy
Bellar's Farm | SOUTH BEND, Ind. -- The owner of the state's largest deer preserve pleaded guilty today to violating a federal wildlife law for allowing hunters to illegally kill animals on the property | Russell G. Bellar of Peru pleaded guilty to three counts of a 38-count indictment filed in July by a federal grand jury.
I AM 72% WHITE TRASH!  I may have been raised white trash, but I have escaped to find the other side. Even now my white trash traits sneak out, like drinking beer from the bottle at a restaurant. |
Not meaning to make matters worse, but the numa numa spawn mutate rapidly | Five more examples
Suburban Teen Infection,
Office Olympics,
Lego Animetrics,
the Gay Bar in someone's rec room and
the man who actually "lost it" |
Wheaton College might decide to ban dancing all over again after this |
CREDIT [once again ~and you are correct; no one should be blamed at this point] to the intrepid numa numa virus research reporters at American Digest | Although, unlike Desperately Wandering, posting these here has not signifcantly hyped my stats |

desiccated youth1 |
numa numa dance | the bane of our existence? | what will the club kids think? | techno-disco-house music forever shamed and humiliated |
...but ...really, shouldn't folks allowed to have fun on their own? | move over ashelee simpson, lip-synch RULES! |
numa numa dance now with subtitles!!!
And if you dancing fools
still have too much time on your hands, there's
badger badger,
Tunak! Tunak! Tan!,
the French Erotic Film or [for some Japanese beefkcake cheekiness]
Yatta! to choose from | Have a nice weekend |
CREDIT [or blame, you decide] TO: American Digest and Literal Barrage for bringing these to our attention | 1Okay, so "lacking vitality" might not apply in any precise way |
Sentencing Guildelines | In
UNITED STATES v. BOOKER the Supremes have ruled on Federal Sentencing Guidelines, though some legal opinion is that
there is no change of past practices or that
defendants will have almost no grounds on which to challenge their sentences on appeal |
Just who does this affect? | Most likely, not the average Joe or Jane on the street, unlikely as they may be to end up in Federal prison | Then again, with obscure factes of the PATRIOT ACT and other doublespeak legislation, it still may be helpful to know about
Sentencing Law and how it impacts on trials | And it could certainly affect the residencies of some of the folks I work with | So it helps that I know where to look to at least understand what they are talking about |
Philadelphia may not have been his birthplace but ~ for me ~
Benjamin Franklin has always been

associated with the city |
I spent my high school days there, and am forever glad I was able to be there when I was | I was a bit of a loner, was pursuing the ancient craft of typesetting [just beginning to be referred to as "graphic arts"] at what was then
Murell Dobbins Voc/Tech and after school touring about freely in the city to the temples of culture that one learned the free admission days [as with the
Philadelphia Museum of Art] or [like the
Franklin Institute] for

a kid might have cost a quarter to get into | So ~ even if not actually physically present or not ~ I considered Mr. Franklin to be one of my personal tutors | And, from what I saw, and observed and learned, then certainly in Spirit he was there | This is so, whether it was while walking through the
archived technological marvels at the Institute or while wandering down
one of the many row house blocks and alleyways throughout the city |
So it was with a bittersweet emotion that I read today of
a walking tour set to take place this coming weekend in commemoration of Franklin's 300th

birthday | There are
other, similar tours, but to me they wouldn't be the same as one specially looking at the city once traversed by the versatile and talented Mr. Franklin's | Ah, well | I suppose this means I'll have to factor in extra time when I'm next visiting that city to plan stopping by Orkney [off 5th Street] and, if I'm lucky, find Mr. Franklin meditating on some bench where I might join him [metaphorically speaking] and sit awhile | Maybe, just perhaps, some of his genius might rub off | Happy birthday Mr. Frankin [17th of January, coming up]
"Salvation for a race, nation or class must come from within.
Freedom is never granted; it is won. Justice is never given; it is exacted;
and the struggle must be continuous for freedom is never a final fact,
but a continuing evolving process to higher and higher levels of human,
social, economic, political and religious relationship."
~ A. Philip Randolph
New Patients' Rights links page | Added a new page with
patients' rights links | Have been meaning to do this for some time | Finally got it done after looking at the
Alliance for Human Research Protection and an essay on the importance of informed consent in research involving human subjects [the material could just as well apply to that supposed EPA/Chemicals Industry study proposed mentioned here earlier |
Tuskeegee Experiments for Kids? | The Organic Consumers Association reports that the US Environmental Protection Agency has wanted to conduct observations of low income children to see how they might consume toxic substances |
From the site:
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), led by Bush appointees, is seeking input on a new proposed study in which infants in participating low income families will be monitored for health impacts as they undergo exposure to known toxic chemicals over the course of two years. The study entitled Children’s Environmental Exposure Research Study (CHEERS) will look at how chemicals can be ingested, inhaled or absorbed by children ranging from babies to 3 years old.
For taking part in these studies, each family will receive $970, a free video camera, a T-shirt, and a framed certificate of appreciation. See the whole story
Or is it just a hoax?
I've long believed the system is incapable of restoring itself | Systems are, like any bureaucracy, inherently wedded the idea of its own continuance, lofty objectives and mission statements notwithstanding |

Yet, simultaneously, I've also believed that
people who are suffering with what our society and culture deems as "mental illness" still need ways to ameliorate their suffering and come to grips with the mental conflagration inside |
Not convinced that, as some suggest, that "...
there ain't no such thing..." calls for seeking answers, or ~ at the very least ~ thougful deliberations on these subjects | So I, with caution do, thing it warrants pointing out these two sites as stepping stones in the quest for answers to facilitate recovery from disability psychiatrically recognized clinical disorders | Click on either of the two logos attached to this posting for more on Mental Help Net and for Metapscyhology, ano online bookseller on material related to mental illness, psychic rifts, trauma, and recovery | Perhaps there's something on the sites [I've only casually looked around] and what I've found thus far, while general, seems more fair in discussing the many components of the larger problems faced when dealing with cognitive and perceptual impairments [really, I'm trying hard not to use the phrase "mntal illness"] that other sites like this that I've looked at in the past |
Al Rutan, the "Methane Man" died recently and proponents of "Alternative" Energy most directly feel the loss | Others ought to as well |
I never personally knew him, but have read of him and knew his website | He was an indefatigable champion of energy independence and self sufficiency | Moreover, his efforts make it clear that the populace does not need to rely upon Big Oil as much as they need to rely upon themselves | It is clear that Al

believed [as to others] that "
...the American mindset to “conquer” nature rather than learn from and imitate nature... has resulted in the failure of
...attempts at harnessing this completely natural process..." | The options for freedom are available, using existing technology and a little bit of dedication and determination |
His website
Rutan Research - Methane Gas is still online, but who knows for how long | Actually, some enterprising soul can save the pages intact; getting someone else to publish, sell and distribute workable plans for methane digesters / producers of direct usable fuel might be more daunting |
Gotta thank Steve Spense for bringing this to my attention |
Finally, a page of samples of my work | You may not have been anxiously waiting, but I certainly have | Now it is
up and available for viewing |
The images selected represent a sampling of things I've lobbed up before the unsuspecting public ever since going online with in 1999 |
What you'll find are examples of watercolors, pen + inks, collage, calligraphy, photographs and typography I've done over the years |
Mind you, it is not
everything I've put up | And, regrettably, the images onthe next page are ~ for the moment ~ just miniaturized verisons of full sized files | I mean to correct this, and the next edition of the page will be full of thumbnails |
And, as to be expected, images on the page are all © 2004 / will brady | Everything on the page is available for you to view, download or print for free other than your access cost | You are not, however, free to publish the images elsewhere | They remain my property as the creator and copyright holder | please do not redistribute them | Any commercial use of the pictures or any portion of them is prohibited without my express, written permission | if you wish to purchase specific use rights please
contact me |
Whew! Once again, I hope you
go see my art work | Let me know what you think |
And I have to thank Steve Muskie for the phrasing of the disclaimer | Provides a legit protection and still does not trouble my Creative Commons side |
PIX CREDIT: Mike Breen's photo of marijuana fields in China
Montanans, according to a recent
New York Times Magazine article, are all fired up about passing medical marijuana laws | According to the article [published 02 jan 2005] "
...unruly Montana (which until a few years ago had no daytime speed limit and still permits motorists to drink while driving as long as they're not intoxicated)
blurred the national political color code by legalizing medical marijuana at the same time it backed the Republican president..." | This put the urban media elite into a philosophical tailspin, wondering, as it were, what has this state's residents not walking lock-step with the Bush administration on the Pot issue? | Truth is, reality isn't that simple |
I'm going to defer on the political analysis to pundits, given that we could get into our own tailspin on the whys and wherefores here | Right now I'd rather look at the statistics available about marijuana law reform in general and of sites that look at the subject less passionately |
DRC Net has been tracking drug policy for years | They even published research documenting marijuana's apparent ability to act as an antagonist to
suppress pain |
As a side note, I find it of interest ~though not a surprise ~ to observe that Ian Meng's hydrocarbon diagram notes Big Pharma player Pfizer's [presumably patented] compound CP 55,940 being remarkabily similar in composition to natural THC | Click on the image to the left and the footnote is easier to read | I realize that those who vehemently oppose decriminalization of psychoactive substances that are currently illegal in many places won't hear arguements to the contrary | This doesn't mean they should shelter themselves from studied investigation of facts that contradict their opinions | To this end, I suggest looking at
Stop the Drug War, the
Marijuana Policy Project as well as
New Scientist's pages on drugs + alcohol research |
World News got you down? Then try this handy quick cheap fix to brighten up your day | If it doesn't make you happy, think of how much better it will make others feel when they see you grinning from ear to ear |
Only requires some heavy duty paper clips and some elastic bands | It would probably help if you didn't try to speak to people while you wore it |
I stumbled across this image while searching for stuff on
Tasers® | No text accompanied the image | Odd, isn't it?
PICTURE SOURCE Apparently from:
Taser® guns are to be carried by Jacksonville, Florida police when assigend to work at schools | An
Associated Press release stated that:
Some school officials are surprised by the action, saying they were never told by the Jacksonville Sheriff's Office that it planned to issue stun guns to the officers assigned to most middle and high schools.
The Jacksonville Sheriff's Office has signed a $1.8 million contract with Taser® International to buy 1,800 Tasers® over the next two years |
Some parents say the weapons are excessive and could easily be misused, especially with children who have attention-deficit or hyperactivity disorder | Reta Russell-Houghton, president of the Duval County PTA/PSA, representing 154 schools and 4,500 members, said Tasers® in schools are inappropriate because children react differently from adults.
"What officers might perceive as a life-threatening situation at school might not be," she said.
State Sen. Tony Hill, D-Jacksonville, has introduced a bill in the Legislature to ban Tasers® in all Florida schools. He said the bill is waiting to be assigned to a committee | School Superintendent John Fryer declined to comment, saying the topic was premature |
A policy being drafted by the Sheriff's Office said the weapons should not be used on pregnant women or suspects in control of a motor vehicle, in danger of falling from an elevated location or near a pool, lake or flammable liquid or fumes | They also should not be used on animals | The proposed policy does not mention any limitation on students
What impact do tasers have?
According to Port Huron, [Michigan] police officer David Conley [
after being zapped with 50,000 volts of electricity] “It felt like I was pounded into the ground with a tree,” |
What does a Taser® do? When fired the TASER® launches two wire guiding probes which attach to the clothing of the target | Upon impact, it broadcasts electrical signals into the nervous system of the target party | These signals, called TASER-Waves™ jam the nervous system of the target party temporarily |
Toy and game companies are likely to be rushing in to gain social acceptance of tasers® with items such as the one on the right, from outfits like
Sonic Jay |
Tasers®, and
Taser International, Inc. are not, incidentally, problem free | In terms of safety questions, Taser Inc officials have been questioned by US government regulators regarding the impact they have on people with heart problems, pacemakers or other disabilities, and after reports in The Arizona Republic linked the stun gun to 11 deaths and to injuries involving police officers |
On the financial end, the Securities Exchange Commission has raised questions aout
about the sale of 1,000 new consumer stun guns jsut before the end of the fiscal quarter | The reviewers concerns are whether or not the company might me illegally manipulating his books to make the company's fiscal situation look better | No comments were made in that review of recently disgraced Homeland Security Czar candidate
Bernie Kerik's connections to Taser International |