short notes:
will brady's ruminations

World News got you down? Then try this handy quick cheap fix to brighten up your day | If it doesn't make you happy, think of how much better it will make others feel when they see you grinning from ear to ear |
     Only requires some heavy duty paper clips and some elastic bands | It would probably help if you didn't try to speak to people while you wore it |
     I stumbled across this image while searching for stuff on Tasers® | No text accompanied the image | Odd, isn't it?
PICTURE SOURCE Apparently from:
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rondak main pagePerspectives on: human rights; environmental concerns; life as a visual artist; 21st century feudalism; progressive politics; aboriginal culture; new urbanism; permaculture; sustainable technology; non-traditional families; achievable utopias

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sites I maintain
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short notes' links
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Convert-Me.Com: Online Units Conversion / Metric conversions
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since 12 june 1999

and still hand-coding
short notes: will bradys ruminations at Blogged
blogs I check in on
thought provoking reads - many I agree with, but not all.

[my top of the list]
 • Charles Henry Eldridge Adirondack Native
 • Al Fin
 • Defective Yeti
 • Joe Bageant's Deer Hunting with Jesus
 • Educate Yourself
 • Larry Barr / Rebel Wolf Online
 • Billy Miller's A Poor Wayfaring Stranger
 • Mike Power
 • Nightmare Hall
 • Nurse Ratchet's Place
 • Pam's House Blend
 • P Michaud
 • Pax Nortona
 • Path to Freedom
 • Clarke Lane
 • Ron's Log
 • Wood's Lot
 • Y Hate

[individual writers]

more personal
 • Al in the Country  • Curmudgeon Report  • Eramosa River Journal  • Frog Ponder  • H Kent Craig  • Dale Hobson  • Kestrel's Nest [now Twittering]  • Mickey Z  • Neurotwitch  • Other Stream  • Sarcastic Bastard  • Andrew Phelps  • Brenda's What's UP down South?

[personal/topical/news mix]
 • Angry Biscuit  • Kathryn Cramer  • Defective Yeti  • Something Completely Different  • UltraSparky

more topical/news oriented
 • Atypical Joe  • Charlie's Diary  • CT Blue  • Esoterically  • Feral Scholar  • Fouroboros  • Juan Cole's Informed Comment  • J-Walk Blog  • Happy Scrappy  • Obsidian Wings  • Pandagon  • Panopticist  • Space Coast Web  • Sphere  • Officialsay [stop sleeping]

more news than blog
 • Angry White Kid  • Corrente  • Plus... same gang, different material Corrente Wire  • Crooked Timber  • Current Era Blog  • Exiled Online  • Fire Dog Lake  • [in memory of Steve Gilliard] Group News Blog  • Digby's  • James Kunstler's ~ Clusterfuck Nation  • Le Speakeasy  • Mikhaela's News Blog  • No Quarter  • Stupid Enough Unexplanation  • This Modern World  • robot wisdom

 • Truck and Barter

science oriented
 • Tim Lambert's ~ Deltoid  • Greg Layden's Blog  • Mixing Memory  • PLoS ONE  • Space Coast Web  • Stuart Savory  • Verbumlogos

health + nutrition
 • Hakeem Alexander ~ Look again / Research  • Monika Woolsey ~ Nutritionist's Perspective  • John Crippen's ~ NHS Blog Doc | Great Britain  • Become Natural

writers + artists
 • Kathryn Cramer  • Eric Drooker  • Michael Nobbs  • Pound  • queer bohemian  • Spunk Library  • John Scalzi's ~ Whatever  • Wood's Lot  • UltraSparky

 • Boing! Boing!  • Wilson's Almanac  • ZudFunk's Blogroll

not active - still online
 • Celebrity Cola  • F-Train  • Buzz Stuff  • John Strain  • Just an Inkling  • Love and Rage  • No Milk Today  • Querylily  • Rayz' Journal + Rants  • Unquiet Mind

gone - regrettably
 • Andrew Olmstead  • amnesia insurance  • Philipp Lenssen's Feeeds  • Moon of Alabama  • That Colored Fella  • V-2-dot-org


[news sources]
 • Aljazeera  • AlterNet  • Capitol Hill Blue  • Crooks & Liars  • Free Speech TV  • Focal Point  • The Gadflyer  • Google News  • CBC - Iceland Daily News  • Indymedia UK  • My Way  • New Left Media  • Now Public  • Official Wire  • Online Journal  • Plime  • Politico  • The Morning News  • Public Radio International  • The Raw Story  • Rense  • Indybay, San Francisco CA  • New Hampshire Gazette  • Sploid  • I am TRex  • World News Network

[publications / periodicals]
 • The Atlantic  • Countercurrents  • Counterpunch  • Fairness + Accuracy in Reporting  • The Economist  • The Guardian  • Human Nature Review  • Miller-McCune  • The Nation  • National Geographic  • The New Yorker  • Ode  • Seattle Post Intelligencer  • Truthout  • Pravda  • Public Eye  • Q News  • Village Voice  • The Wall Street Journal  • The Wilson Quarterly  • YES! Magazine  • Z Magazine

[internet radio / audio media]
 • Wilson Almanac's Radio Bandwidths
 • ABC - Australian Broadcast News  • BBC - British Broadcast News  • CBC - Canadian Broadcast News  • WAMC - Albany NY  • WPKN - Bridgeport CT

[media watch]
 • columbia journalism review  • Conservative Web Watch  • Dart Center - reporting on trauma & violence  • cjr's "Who Owns What"?  • Media Monitors Network  • Video Vote Vigil

[essays / critical thought sites]
 • AAAARG.ORG  • Edge  •   • Wood's Lot

 • Counterterrorism Blog  • Cryptome  • Jerry Pippin

[information geeks]
 • The Agonist  • Grey Literature Report  • Resource Shelf

[commentary - left]
 • Scott Bidstrup  • Jim Hightower  • Noam Chomskey  • Orcinus  • Mike Palacek  •  • Regressive Antidote  • Think Progress  • TPM Cafe
[commentary - in between]
 •  • Citizens for Legitimate Government  • Denis Horgan  • In The Fray  • Lawrence Lessig
[commentary - right]
 • American Prospect  • Kathleen Parker  • Andrew Sullivan  • Town Hall

 • Abolition of Work
 • Class War
 • The Cluetrain Manifesto
 • Wark's A Hacker Manifesto
 • Earth Charter
 • A Call to Economic Justice
 • Orcinus' Media Revolt
 • Net Neutrality
 • Shrinking the Freedom of Thought
 • The Social Phenomenon of Blogs

[news as humor]
 • Cecil Adams' Straight Dope  • Mark Fiore's Fiore Blog  • Mikhaela Reid's Boiling Point ~ a News Blog  • Damn Interesting  • Tom Tomorrow's This Modern World  • Garry Trudeau's Doonsbury

[man bites dog / humor]
 • BuzzFlash  • College Humor  • The Onion  • The Daily Howler  • Morons  • Yankee Pot Roast

 • Gawker

 • Council on Spiritual Practices  • Druid Journal  • The Equinox Project

[separation of faith + state]
 • Americans United for church-state separation

[psychiatric hospitals - history]
 • POTN's Abandoned Hospitals

[first person account keepers]
 • Marian Goldstein's Different Thoughts  • Jim Gottstein  • Gianna Kali's Beyond Meds  • Kangaroo Court | Archives pre 1/1/05  • Mind Freedom's 1st Person Accounts  • Psychiatrized  • Psych Survivor Archives [CA]  • Songs of the Survivor

[psychiatric clients' rights]
 • Bazelon Center  • Center for Public Representation  • Dendron/MindFreedom
 • Law Project for Psych Rights  • U.S. Network of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry

[info on psychotropics]
 • Ecologia Cognitiva | Portugese
 • Monika Woolsey ~ Nutritionist's Perspective

 • Freedom Center | Northampton, MA  • National Empowerment Center  • Copeland Center for Wellness + Recovery  • Natn'l MH Self Help Clearinghouse

[mental health info sites]
 • Mental Health Matters  • Psychiatric Drugs  • Ctr for Mental Health Services [USA]

[alternate views on treatment]
 • Peter Breggin  • John Grohol  • Hakeem Alexander's Hypno Athletics  • Hooper's Forensic Psychiatry

[health care reviewers]
 • Health Care Renewal

 • Connecticut Weblogs
[NYC metro]
 • Gothamist  • Bitter Queen's A History of Gay Bars in New York  • Jeremiah's Vanishing New York
[Southeast USA]
 • Southern Studies

 • Atypical Joe  • Pam Spaulding  • Andrew Sullivan  • Towlerroad  • Independent Gay Forum  • Michelangelo Signorile
media reviews
 • LBGT Books, Films & Videos
personal blogs
 • Brave Creatures  • Butch Jax  • Eramosa River Journal
erotic/adult content
 • Buff Tufftalk  • Drub

 • Urban-ism  • we-make-money-not-art  • New Urbanism


 • Dave Gray's Communication Nation  • Design Observer  • Jason King Design  • Mandarin Design  • Panopticist  • Speedbird

[html coding tools]
 • CSS Zen Garden  • Page Tutor's HTML Basics  • HTML special character codes  • Hex Hub's Color Codes
 • Page Tutor's 1536 Colors Chart

[typography tools]
 • DaFont's Free Downloadable Typefaces  • Linotype's Font Explorer X  • Typo Generator

[photography tools]
 • Photoshop Tips & Tricks

 • foto 8  • JPG Magazine  • U & lc

[geek links]
 • Lee Fleming's Resources  • Software Tips & Tricks


[art magazines + blogs]
 • Arts Journal  • Art News  • Art Knowledge News  • Issac Buie's The Simple Connoisseur  • Wood's Lot
[art supplies]
 • Dick Blick  • Jerry's Artarama  • Trekell & Co.  • Utrecht Art Supplies

[group sites]
 • Artween  • Concept Art  • Rational Painting

 • J. Long's Die Mythographer!  • Judy Wise  • Toyen [Marie Cerminova]

[installation artists]
 • Hirokazu Fukawa  • Remy Jungerman

[interactive media]
 • Sébastien Chevrel

[painters / print makers / illustrators]
 • Eric Drooker | Painting / Illustration / Graphic Novels  • James Gurney | Landscape / Illustration  • Peter Hocking | Portraiture  • Gerard Huber | NeoClassical  • Rockwell Kent | Illustration / Painting / Social Comment  • Diego Rivera | Murals / Social Comment  • Jim Riccio | Painting / Illustration  • Street Anatomy | Medicine / Art / Design

 • Joey Lawrence  • Drasko Bogdanovic  • Chromisa  • Ian Grey  • Chad Kleitsch  • Ed Roppo's Rusty Jam

 • Louise Bourgeois  • Alexander Calder  • Marisol Escobar  • Henry Moore  • Robert Rauschenberg  • George Segal  • Augustus Saint-Gaudens  • Gustav Vigeland

[street art]
 • Banksy  • Roadsworth  • Wooster Collective

[art centres]
 • I-Park

[arts marketers]

[intellectual property rights]
 • Creative Commons

[sustainability blogs]
 • Rebel Wolf's Energy Self- Sufficiency Newsletter
 • Watthead

 • World War 4 Report
 • Reason Public Policy Institute
 • State + Locals Govs

[legal resources]
 • EFF's Legal Guide for Bloggers
 • FindLaw
 • Law.Com
 • Law Guru's Knowledge Base
 • JURIST: Legal Dictionary
 • Scruffy's State Statutes
 • Univ of Houston's O'Quinn Law Library
 • A Public Defender

[law & philosphy]
 • distributive justice
 • DeNovo - Not active since early 2008
 • Legal Theory
 • Volokh Conspiracy

[intellectual property issues]
 • Creative Commons

[liberty interests]
 • The Agonist
 • American Civil Liberties Union
 • Canadian Civil Liberties Assn
 • Center for Democracy + Technology
 • Electronic Frontier Foundation
 • ALA's "Patriot" Act Updates

[rights concerns]
 • The Bill of Rights Institute
 • Center for Constitutional Rights
 • Human Rights Watch
 • People for the American Way
 • Prison Legal News
 • Southern Poverty Law Center
 • Stanford Center for Internet and Society

[rights of disabled persons]
 • Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law
 • Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund
 • Mouth Magazine
 • Center for Public Representation
 • Institute of Law, Psychiatry and Public Policy


 • U.S. Hunting | Fish & Wildlife Service
 • U.S. Hunting | Fish & Wildlife Service
 • IAFAW Fishing + Hunting Permit Fees
 • U.S. National Wetlands Inventory | Fish & Wildlife Service
 • U.S. Bureau of Land Management | Department of Interior
 • U.S. National Park Service | Department of Interior

 • Archery World
 • Bowsite
 • Bowmasters
 • Bowyers & Fletchers Guild [UK]
 • Hunting Society's Archery Links
 • Principles of Archery
 • Primitive Archer

 • Firearms: Technical + Training Manuals

 • The Backpacker
 • Adirondack Hiking Trails
 • Go take a hike!


 • A to Z Fitness  • Amateur Wrestling News  • Better Body  • FitLike [UK]  • Testosterone Nation

 • He Said : She Said

 • Future Scanner

 • Travel Blogs [dot] org  • Hobo Traveler  • Lonely Planet  • Proper Course  • Sailing Anarchy  • VagaBlogging  • Where's Bender?

[urban spelunking]
 • Wikipedia describesp;Wi Urban Spelunking
 • Kelm + Rodenbaugh's Abandoned Missile Base
 • JAN JÖRNMARK Deserted Places
 • JAN JÖRNMARK Deserted Places

[other distractions]
 • Weirdsmobile


   Dictionaries, Grammars,
   and other online language resources

[English Language]
 • Acronym Finder
 • Blogossary
 • One Look's Dictionary Search
 • Etymological Dictionary
 • JURIST: Legal Dictionary
 • Slang City Dictionary
 • Word Spy "The word lover's guide to new words
 • Thesaurus
[Other Languages]
 • Jennifer's Language Page

 • Indeterminacy
 • Poem Hunter

[encyclopedae, etc]
 • About
 • CIA World Factbook
 • RefDesk
 • Project Gutenberg
 • Project Gutenberg - 2004
 • Nation Master [stats]
 • Questia
 • Wikipedia

[atlases, maps]
 • Digital Topo Maps
 • U S Census Bureau Maps
 • USGS Land and Map

 • Bill O'Rights
 • Magna Carta
 • Unversal Declaration of Human Rights

[Postal Codes]
 • Canadian Postal Codes
 • International Postal Codes
 • USA Zip Codes
 • Universal Postal Union

 • Foote's Forecasts
 • NOAA National Weather Service | USA
 • Weather Channel
 • The Weather Underground

[Weights and Measures]
 • Measurement Conversion Charts
 • RefDesk's Weights and Measures Resources

 • Bablefish Translation Service
 • IM's Online Translation Portal

NOTE: Every effort is made to credit the source of images displayed on
this site | Images with no attribution are either my own (and covered under a
Creative Commons non-commercial agreement
or I have been unable to determine the source of the image |
As such, it is duly noted anyway |

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