saved personal sites | Since coming online, there are other sites that I find inexplicably appealing | The range in style from high-tech to unsophisticatedin terms of design | They reflect a lot of work on the developers' parts | Their authors are proud of what they've done, have something original to say, and express themselves in fairly original ways | They are sites I find myself going back to | I post them here in no special priority | Hope you enjoy them as well |
Rat Haus | site blurb: " dedicated to promulgating and promoting life-nurturing activities and awarenesses regarding this "home" we all share and are all responsible for, not simply for the seventh generation of humankind yet unborn, but for all life germinated and nourished by Gaia." |
Other Stream | David Gwynne's peripatetic wanderings and peans to greasy spoons, supermarkets and stores full of used stuff | Gotta say that his site provided me the initial inspiration to have a website of my own |
Involution | Visually dazzling, complex and well thought about journal website by a woman whom I know only as monde | you have to see it to get any idea what I'm talking about |
H Kent Craig's Renaissance Homepage | Can't recall for the life of me how I first ran across this guy's site | Might have been back when Prodigy offered multicolor to what was essentially a DOS screen environment | I liked his light-hearted approach to his subject matter, and also appreciated the fact that he put no pretenses to his efforts | The things he writes on are varied, from canoe trips to HVAC systems | His poetry is also fresh and original, not clogged down with academic self absorbtion | (see naked in the snow for an example |
Chris Moore | well, this might be a professional site cloaked in ordinary layout/design | Moore is an author, maybe not as well known as he would like | But he's staying employed that way, that in itself is impressive |
Oriental Redneck | A fellow blogger | He taglines his posts as "...rants of a swing dancing OC native far from home..." | That's "OC" for Orange County California, while "far from home is (i think) San Francisco | Maintains a great blog distraction list, too |
Cal's Gallery Plus | Nature, structures, tall ships, American Indians, and other items of interest to Cal | Hailing from Toccoa, Georgia, USA, Cal notes he isn't married, adding "...If you own a boat and can clean fish, we'll talk. Please send picture of boat!"