glimmers of class warfare? | Wouldn't you know that on USA Tax day (15 April) a gaggle of protestors converged on to Montréal's toney St James Hotel in a mass demonstration
against disparities of wealth, economic injustice and Quebec's Premier Jean Charest | reported
the following:
"Protestors rushed the doors and pushed passed the frantic hotel manager into the exclusive first-floor dining room. Businessmen in expensive suits were shocked as black-clad and masked anarchists jumped on the oak tables or tried—unsuccessfully—to pull the table-clothes out from under the plates and glasses without knocking them over. Protestors played the grand piano or pocketed silver forks and ashtrays. Others demonstrators sat down at tables with the hotel’s dismayed, paying clients and helped themselves to their wine and hors-d’oeuvres. “Down with capitalism” was graffitied on the wall. Several hotel security guards attempted to grab a demonstrator, but were quickly restrained by other protestors. Another security guard said to one organizer, “Don’t worry, I’m not going to stop you. They only pay me $10 an hour. I’m on your side.”"
What next? Where else? We'll have to keep an eye on this | One thing is sure... Class Warfare is inevitable if the greed merchants and
nastian caricatures who run things these days, don't stop and pay heed to the impacts of their own actions ~ namely the effects of fattening themselves at the expense of everyone...and using everyone else's dollars to do it |
Actually, Class Warefare is probably an unsuitable term to use | Why? well, if for no other reason than that those in power these days, so throughly lack class, even though they are rich | More on this topic as it goes |