Sense of Dignity | The text:
Each person on earth is endowed with some quality or skill unique and special to oneself || It is not for mere mortals to deny another one's birthright of sharing that gift because of social prejudice, custom, superstition or set of beliefs || Rather we must grow and provide the opportunity for all people's to develop their gifts, then all may grow with their fruition || Anything less denies us that to which we are entitled || To one's sense of dignity
Penned in 1987, it took until 1990 to come up with the center illustration | This is one of a collection of works that I consider to be my personal values statements |
There have been those who looked at this work and stated immediately thereafter, "
oh, you must be anti-abortion" | While one would be accurate in surmising that I believe that sentient life begins at conception, there are so many other parameters to weigh in on with that subject that I find statements such as that too concrete, almost simplistic |
Would that life was so concrete, black and white | But it isn't | the sentiment is also off the mark, maybe even misses the point | I'll be posting other samples of my work as time allows |