PATRIOT Act unpatriotic | Unconstitutional as well ~ under the provision of unreasonable search and seizure | Why am I not surprised? | The ACLU website has
ACUL v Ashcroft [you'll need
Adobe Acrobat to open the file]
And wither the FCC? What's their take on privacy for John and Jane Q Public | Maybe the FBI should be able to keep prying into Internet use without opposition | Hell, even if I've done nothing wrong, I don't want some Washington politbureau spy checking out the sites I visit, no matter what they might be about |
Rules about file sharing are determined and YOU are not invited | That's alright | The Recording and Film Industry and Software Giants like Microsoft are quite ready to speak their concerns about copyright ripoffs | Having been so succesful at ripping off composers, artists and authors of music, books, film scripts and software programs, they ought to know real well how to spot the theives in our midst |
Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell may have been right about one thing | They predicted disasters and conflagration in areas that go against the wishes of GOD | But maybe
four hurricanes hitting heavily Republican strongholds in Florida is just a co-incidence |
[seriously folks, I'm not any more anti republican than I am anti democrat | we just need MORE ruling parties for the corporate elite to share the power by]
Army Recruiting figures going down | ABC News interviewed recruiters who not that enrollment is dropping, though the ones who come and ask to join are committed to the cause |
Kerry comes across smooth | Scowly, grimacing Dubya stumps his pre-selected audiences to retort the next day | The bully is brave outside the fight ring |