People forget or are unaware of what a real American police state was like. You can call it Mississippi. When ONE black man, a crazy man named James Meredith, tried to go to Ole Miss, there were days of riots. People died. When little girls wanted to go to a "white" school, they had to bring in the 101st ABN.
In North Carolina. The state wanted to give him eight years for walking across the street from a white woman and looking at her. That's it. Looking at a white woman. Didn't even whistle at her. When Emmitt Till did , he was beaten, castrated, murdered and tossed from a bridge with a refrigerator tied to his back. At the age of 14.
The Mississippi State Sovereignty Commission (Commission) was created by an act of the Mississippi legislature on March 29, 1956. The agency was established in the White Millsaps students marching in protest of death of JSU student Ben Brownwake of the May 1954 Brown v. Board of Education ruling.
The Soveregnity Commission is what a police state does. Not thePatriot Act, not some fundies. Not losing a close election. They interfered in the political process, used police powers against political opponents and covered up criminal acts. Nothing the current administration has done is close to this. But few whites remember it or consider this in their rantings. They didn't build concentration camps, they didn't order murders, they just used the power of the state against those who opposed them. When they weren't attacking protestors, and I don't mean with nets and short term arrests, but with violence.