More homosexual menace in our children's play spaces and bedrooms! | I have to thank
James Dobson for raising the alarm about the disturbing and troublesome subversion | Seems like Dobson and
Jerry Falwell are the only ones warning us about these things |
Sponges come in all size, shapes, and colors |
Most sponges are hermaphrodites, that is, they produce both male and female sex cells | Sponges do not produce eggs until they are at least
three years of age | Some sponges reproduce by budding, a process whereby a tip of a branch is constricted off by the sponge, or broken off during a storm |
Sponges have few enemies | But they have some ...and thank G*D for that! | Picket the local Toys-R-Us NOW to help eradicate this sick and twisted perverted influence in society |
If we don't do something now, there's no telling how rapidly the walls of civilization will crumble down around us | DON'T LET YOUR CHILD BECOME AN UNSUSPECTING PAWN OF DEVIANTS!