Freedom of Speech is not just hearing the things we find comforting | You may not agree with him, but as a thinking individual, it is vital you hear what he actually has to say, not what his detractors want you to think he said |
University of Colorado Professor Ward Churchill, who made comment that the events of Spetember 11, 2001, was an event that resulted in this era's spiritual descendants of Adolf Eichmann ~ profit managers and policy bureaucrats ~ being eliminated in one fell swoop | By analogy, he was saying that "
...the technical corps of [financial] Empire..." were summarily executed | He was not endorsing mass murder | He was arguing that there was a purpose behind the attacks on the twin towers | It was not, as pundits are fond of parroting, a "senseless" action | No,it was an intentional attack against the corporate elite who run the economic interests of the United States and of global capitalism |
For being honest in his speaking his perspective, pundits and politicians who have their own agenda to promote, are now calling for him to be fired from his job, to have his views censored, to be added to this decade's McCarthyite Blacklist |
When queried by reporters concerning his views on the assassination of John F. Kennedy in November 1963, Malcolm X famously – and quite charitably, all things considered – replied that it was merely a case of "chickens coming home to roost."
What was it that keeps the 9/11 attack from being "Senseless"? | If anyone were actually listening, Prof. Churchill noted that in press reseases issued days after the attack by Al Qaeda, the action was ~ most immediately, tha cts of desparate people against a power they felt incapable of listening in any conventional manner | Al Qaeda was explicit in making the gesture a symbolic [albeit bloody] response to the murder of 12 Palestinian children |
The response in the mainstream media, amongst right-wing pundits, and pro-Iraqi war politicians and bureaucrats, was to first accuse [inaccurately] that Professor Churchill was advocating terrorism, and then to demand he be dismissed and next silenced |
He has been interviewed with American Indian activist
Russell Means, both speaking carefully and thoughtfully about Professor Churchill's controversial speech |
Hear what Ward Churchill has to say | Dark Night Press also has
a number of links to Professor Churchill's comments |