2 onions, chopped fine + sauteed
1/2 pound of hot dogs, chopped up + sauteed with the onions
crushed garlic from a jar, approx 3 tablespoons
3 lbs of collard greens. chopped up
red wine vinegar [1/2 cup]
salt [to taste]
black pepper [to taste]
brown sugar, enough to fill the palm of my hand [approx 2-3 tablespoons]
juice from my dad's home-canned hot peppers [1/4 cup; you don't want to mess with this]
several squirts from one of the many red hot sauce conncoctions in the cupboard
1/4 lb of bacon, fried separate + added with grease produced in the process
two tomatoes I had in the 'fridge, chopped up finely
1/2 cup of Ken's™ tomato vinegarette dressing