4/20Since so much of today's entries are about drugs [see below] I would be remiss if I didn't also make mention of this | Marijuana, maryjane, pot, cannabis, ganja, spliff, weed, dope, toke, doobie, joint, grass | For reasons not entirely clear,
4:20 is also code for this oft maligned substance |
Psychoactive substances don't have to be bad | It is, I suppose, in how one applys them | Some of the symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis [
according to this pdf file pamphlet] are said to be relieved with marijuana use | Marijuana, or its synthetic derivatives have been shown helpful in treating glaucoma; restoring appetite; chronic pain and [in numerous cases of people with cancer] helps in abating the adverse effects of chemo treatments |
We are long overdue for re-evaluating the decriminalization of marijuana, if not the actual legalization of its use | The latter making it all the easier to regulate it, presumably to ensure most efficacious use and results | Not to mention potential tax revenues...