The annual frenzy that is the Boston 26 mile marathon takes place on Monday | My best wishes to my cyber friend,
John Strain who has been preparing to take part in this event for at least a couple of years now |
You can follow John's progress in the Marathon, or anybdy else's for that matter | Participants are wearing a small microchip on their footgear that records time at specific intervals | Go to the website to watch the
Boston Marathon | John will be in starting corrals number 9 and estimates "...
it will take me 12 minutes to get to the starting line. No problem, because with the advent of the chip, my time will be recorded accurately | My 5K splits will be broadcast live".
You can also watch live coverage on OLN (
Outdoor Life Network). Coverage begins at 11:30 AM on Monday |
To follow John's progress at the Boston Marathon:
Go to this website You need either his name: John Strain or his Bib Number: 9818 |
Me? | I'll probably be at work not even thinking about the race until it's over | Good luck, John | Do us all proud |