ongoing - The Daily DeLay 9 apr 05 - London [ENG] Times Cheerleader of the Christian Right and ruthless legislator on its behalf DeLay associates face charges involving $80 million raked in from the casino-rich and gullible Choctaw Indians in return for promised influence in Washington april 05 - Newsweek: GOP Lobbyist Abramoff says: "DeLay knew everything. He knew all the details" and 'fesses up to the Bug Man's bribe taking efforts
7 apr 05 - Slate's Scorecard to Tom DeLay's Scandals 24 mar 05 - Salt Lake City Tribune: Ethically challenged leader shouldn't hide behind God 26 mar 03 - DeLay created “Texans for a Republican Majority" and illegally used corporate money for political activities. 6 apr 05 - Daily Kos DeLay's international golf trips paid for by foreign agents Campagin Money Watch Watches DeLay Squirming Political Strategy says DeLay ought to follow past examples and resign