Criminally venal Bankruptcy Bill to be signed |
The Economist noted that both creditors and debtors are to blame for the position the United States finds itself | But although John and Jane Q Public may be remiss at racking up huge debts, there are other reasons for finding greater fault with the corporate behemoths, totally lacking in moral certitude.
The foundation stones for this
debt slavery law also lie in the Judiciary's elimination ursury caps, higher costs for health care, and legalized gambling |
Less publicized, is the complete elimination of Estate taxes by the year 2010, an action sure to benefit only the monied classes, notthe poor, and most certainly not the middle class |
The bankruptcy bill has passed the House 302 to 126. 73 Democrats voted for it.
See the final vote roll | President Bush is expected to sign the bill | It becomes law 180 days afterwards |
interactive listing of the Bankruptcy Bill vote roll call, sortable by caucus, vote, party and Representative, as well as by the median household income of their districts shows exactly where each Cognressional representative voted on this debacle |
Mind you, the hands of the opposition were tied from the start | Republical Congressional leadership:
1) allowed none of the 35 amendments the Democrats had proposed to be voted on;
2) ordered the Rules Committee to allocate only one hour -- far too little time -- for substantive debate on this complicated 500-page bill; and
3) ordered the House moderator to rudely interrupt every Democrat when they lined up one-by-one to register their objections in brief biting statements.
Mark my words | There will be an accounting for the crimes of this Administration, and of those who stand behind it; from the diabolocal Neocon powermongers to the self-righteous who hide their lust for power behid the cross |
Oh; one more thing | There is more to the anti-Islamic sentiment pused and promoted by the rabid dogs in front of the money brokers | And that is the
Islamic Codes prohibiting ursury, speculative profiteering, and making money from money | Of course, the War President's front men aren't paying any shills to make the rest of us aware of that |
A Progressive perspective on the bankruptcy debacle can be found at Political Affairs, with an article on Moral Bankruptcy and from Joshua Marshall's Talking Points | Portions of this entry inspired by ATypical Joe |