I waited until the last minute to drop off my income tax forms | Expecting to be able to just pop the forms down to the Middletown Office [only a couple of blocks from work] after 6 pm [1800 hours] imagine my dismay when I learned that I had to get the forms to Hartford [20 miles north] if I wanted that valuable Aprilr 15th postmark | So I was off, after stopping my and talkng Bill into going for the drive, got to Hartford |
I was surprised and impressed with the operation I found once getting off the Jennings Road exit | Signs and traffic cones directing
all Post Office traffic into two single lanes of cars | At the end of ther lanes were two postal deliver trucks and a gaggle of Post Office personnel holding those familiar white plastic mail bins so we could all drop off our tax forms | Actually it was knd of amusing and, dare I say it, fun |
I realize that all those tax scofflaws with millions in their accounts won't be filing this way | If Dubya has his way, the millionaires won't be nearly anything come 2008 |
Seriously, I don't have any problem with paying taxes, I just get upset knowing that those who bemefit the most from our tax dollars, find it acceptable to go out of their way to be that socially irresponsible | Isn't this just paying tribute to the Sherriff of Nottingham? Could be | Where, then, is our Robin Hood? |