culture wars?
Santa Claus is a Black Man I can just imagine how
Bill O'Reilly will react to this one. After all, it was O'Reilly, the
phalandering self-righteous prig, who used his
Faux News bully pulpit to distract the populace from real issues, like Iraq, and economic disparities, to focus on what amounts to a a false arguement.
Profit hungry Corporate retailers cashing in on the
commercialization of the Birth of Christ. You know, the Hebrew prophet who
threw the money lenders out of the Temple.
I mean, really, I can't understand how obtuse O'Reilly is ...until I remember he's getting paid to be so. So in essence, O'Reilly's just another
Scaife Whore even if not directly on that ideologue's personal payroll.