It's always Christmas for VISA
Consumer Union comes out this year with
an animated zinger about Credit Cards and who benefits from their use. I'll give you one hint. It
isn't your or me.
What can you do about this? Well, I suppose after watching Congress quibbling over how much more they'll give in
tax-reduction give-aways for the super rich, it may seem like not very much. According to the Washington Post "
...The disconnect between gross economic measures and public sentiments is occurring partly because many economic benefits are not making their way to ordinary workers. Poverty is up in the nation, inflation outstripped wage growth during a recent 12-month period and median household income has declined for five straight years...."
Even if we can't get Congress to listen now, and make creditcard and bankruptcy laws more fair to the middle, working and fiscally impoverished classes we can, indeed, continue to press that greedy bastids for some fiscal equity, if not now, then some day. Until then, check out CU's new commercial...
...and then just st back and wait for the
economic treason trials. When we finally have them, they ought to be as much fun as a
medieval public hanging