iraq quagmire | abu grahib
Starting out by telling the audience that he was a good Jewish boy,
Congressman Chris Shays stated clearly that he believes that what happened at Abu Grahib was "not torture" I doubt that those who were subjected to
involuntary acts like the one to the left would agree with this surmise. I also doubt he'd be willing to submit to being sodomized, waterboarded, beaten senseless for hours or made to stand on a box with electrodes attached and a hood on his head. But perhaps we can derive some consolation that, if Congressman Shays did have thses things done to him, that he would be comforted knowing the American soldiers doing it to him were not torturing him.
Disguting man. If I lived in his district, I'd vote against him for this belief alone. Hear his comments directly
at this YouTube clip.
By the way, I found his opening comment about being a good Jewish boy both troubling and astounding. As if there ought to be a connectionLabels: abu grahib, iraq, torture