big pharma | drug recalls
Somebody placed me on the e-mail list for a newsletter titled Defective Drugs and published by A Drug Recall. The site states it provides - "
Information on the side effects of recalled drugs and access to attorneys specializing in drug side effects litigation"
The initial scan of the site suggests that there is plenty of up-to-date useful information
and I don't get a sense that the site's developers have some strident axe to grind by excoriating the drug companies. Point being, until I find otheriwse, the site's authors seem more interested in fairness and getting helpful information out about risky and unwanted side effects of on the market drugs.
Given that the DrugCo reps are reluctant to do this themselves, a site such as this is needed.
The site also has a list of links to "Alternative" medical treatments but cautions"
If you are interested in alternative therapy, it is important to do your homework. Gather as much information as possible about the procedures that interest you. If your alternative therapy is practitioner based, learn about the certification and training process required or recommended for these alternative therapy professionals. Many states supply information about practitioner requirements and host a consumer database with important practitioner information i.e. if your desired practitioner has any past actions against them.
For their newsletter, just click on to
Defective Drugs to get started.
Labels: big pharma, drug wars, FDA, side-effects