politics | freedom of speech
Senator Chris Dodd speaks about against Buscho and telcom abuse of power"
"Today we have scored a victory for American civil liberties and sent a message to President Bush that we will not tolerate his abuse of power and veil of secrecy. The President should not be above the rule of law, nor should the telecom companies who supported his quest to spy on American citizens. I want to thank the thousands of Americans throughout the country that stood with me to get this done for our country."
CNBC airs a news broadcast that actually tells us news! Telecommunications corporations lost their bid in bing immune from prosecution for having released phone records of honest citizens without a warrant or court order. Imagine! Tie this with the ballsiness of FCC Rethuglian Commissioners who also want media conglomerates to own even more of the media in this country than they actually do. The Bushco thugs must really, really envy Vladimir Putin, to so emulate his efforts.
And shame on Hillary Clinton, Obama, and other Dem politicos who stayed on the campaign trail rather than fight with Senator Dodd on this battle. Instead, they stay on the side lines, hawking their images like side show shills rather than doing the tough task of leading.
Labels: corporate crime, corporate malfesance, economic treason, FISA, freedom of speech, politics, profiles in courage, secret courts