For people with mental illnessesWaht to take part in this meme? Here's the questions
* What is your diagnosis?: I have never been curious about seeking my records. I suspect that, nowadays, it would have included post traumatic stress disorder. I'm certain there would have been some diagnosis that spoke of characterological disorders.
* When were you diagnosed?: Was first placed in an institutional setting at age 9. I was there about two years. We were never spoken to by staff about the reasons for our being there, though we spoke about it between one another and remember being provided medications, something nobody discussed with us, we were just required to take drugs, given out usually befoe or afer meals.
* How long do you believe you have suffered from mental illness? Not sure I have an answere for this. Others clearly thought so back to my childhood.* What medications are you taking for your disorder? Currently I take no prescribed meds, though I to consumer a complex regimen of vitamins, minerals and herbal remedies.
* Tell us about an episode. I really recommend reading and exposing yourself to MANY first person accounts, since each of our "episodes" differ so much from one another's.
* Do you feel ashamed about suffering from a brain disorder? I am not ashamed to be who I am.
* What advice do you have for other sufferers? Learn how to speak up for your rights. If clinicians won't listen to you, find someone to speak on your behalf who they can't ignore.
* What advice do you have for those who don’t suffer from your condition?
* Is there anything you want to say to Tom Cruise? What's up with the Scientology thing? If you are so opposed to psychiatrists because they might practice mind control, how on earth do you explain being into Scientology? I caught on to their scam after only one meeting.
For the undiagnosed [Yeah, I'm answering both categories. Doesn't that frost ya? Butthe questions are relevant and warrant response]
* Do you believe in mental illness? I believe that people experience a range of conditions that get dubbed as "mental illnesses". Some experiences are trauma based and due to having lived through / been subjected to severe kinds of mistreatment and abuse. Others are likely the result of uncommon [even rare] electro/chemical responses that make the person experiencing them horrific, paranoid, withdrawn, shut down. I agree with William James' premise that some people have thrust upon them some overwhelming psychic/spiritual experience without ever having had the time or the conditioning to work thourgh it and remain stable.
* Are there any mentally ill persons in your family? yes
* What is their disorder? various
* Are they compliant with taking their medication or resisting? I hate this question! So many people are so focused on meds "compliance" yet totally lack the understanding [or the interest to find out] about the adverse aspects of each and ever psychiatric medication provided. Furthermore, the question rests on the very stupid assumption that repairing psychic damage can be corrected witha couple of fucking pills [and no, I'm not referring to Viagra here]. Talk therapy, meditation, exercise, proper nutrition, endocrinology, creative expression, ~ having loving, tolerant, caring friends and family who standy by you [for gosh sakes!] even channelling one's rage in a positive direction, are all among other "treatment modalities" that most treaters dob't even seem to recognize can help.
* Are you afraid of the mentally ill? I'm more fearful of society's attitudies toward those who suffer psychic pain than I am of anyone with a psychiatric diagnosis.