alphabet meme
Accent: Adirondack.
Booze of Choice: Jagermeister + 20 ouncer of Steel Reserve
Chore I Hate: Cleaning the Litter Box + anything involving math
Dog or Cat: 4 1/2 cats [one lives outdoors but expects to be fed when we feed the others]
Essential electronics: computer, portable CD player
Favorite perfume: things with a faint lemony smell but in truth, I prefer smelling as sweat glands the Great Spirit provided me get me to smell
Gold or silver: Silver
Hometown: Moodus, Connecticut
Insomnia: I typically sleep about 5-6 hours each day, but not all at once
Job title: Human Rights Officer
Kids: One, who has grown up and has one of his own
Living arrangement: Live in a 1,600 sq ft house with my legally "civil unioned" partner on about 2/3 of an acre of land, but adjacent to about 100 acres of undeveloped wood and meadowland
Most admired trait: Intelligence, Creativity
Number of sexual partners: Hmmm. I'd better leave this one alone.
Overnight hospital stays: Two [both about a week] unless you include a couple of childhood institutional stays, then those would be 2 years and 7 months, respectively
Phobia: Not certain I have any. Do intense dislikes count?
We live in very stupid times ~ Ortega y Gasset
Religion: Buddhist [sort of]; spiritual beliefs formed from hanging around with some St Regis Reservation Mohawks for many years
Siblings: 1 brother; 1 sister
Time I wake up: Around 6 am
Unusual talent or skill: watercoloring, sketching, negotiating
Vegetable I refuse to eat: Brussel Sprouts
Worst Habit: Growling
X-rays: Chest, which resulted in discovery of paresophogeal hernia
Yummy foods I make: Pasta sauces from scratch
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
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