Sites I've stumbled across recently From We Make Money Not Art an essay by Juan Freire about
The use [or lack of use] of public spaces. "The Commons" often referred to places shared by mutual ownership by everyone. Oft-times left unmanaged [and poorly taken care of] capitalists have been quick to advocate the privatization of publicly held lands, selling off to the highest bidder and taking them out of the public domain. Yet such can be the worst thing to happen...
Street art exhibitions at the Tate Modern as captured on Flickr. Taggers and other graffiti artists get their fifteen minutes of fame and use some eight storey wallscapes for canvas. Neat! [see the image to the left]
Wood Gas gets promoted at
Green Trust and
Woodgas.net, which links to a Yahoo discussion group that is nice enough to host the
FEMA Wood Gas Manual.
This is not high-technology. A person with some basic skills in mechanics, engine maintenance; with a knowledge of welding and puttering around could do this. The use of supplying fuel from wood may certainly help some, but not everyone will be able or interested... and I'm certain the 21st century Yuppies will object to the idea. The subject is fraught with misconceptions, and it just won't seem aesthetically pleasing to some. For the rest of us... have at it, I say.
Have troubles with friends and family? Imagine getting along with others while living on Mars. Forget about running down to the store for a litre of milk. Out in space, you are
really on your own.
"Abnormal radiation occurances" involving nuclear waste materials in 2007. I can't recall how frequently I schedule accidents myself, but it's nice to know the Nuclear Regulatory Commission keeps track of those that, apparently, had not been planned. Courtesy of
Cryptome [
whose web owner periodically receives visits from the FBI, CIA and NSA unannounced] who found it published in the Federal Register.
Labels: alternative fuels, public ownership, public spaces, street art, web surfing, wood gas